30 Super Carry was the topic of conversation on Rapid Fire Radio recently, with Chris Laack from Federal Ammunition and Rob Pincus from Avidity Arms. The two companies have just announced the result of some collaborative work. Avidity Arms is now offering the PD10 Pistol in 30 Super Carry!
This was the first media interview with representatives from both companies discussing the project. The 30 Super Carry was designed specifically for personal defense from the ground up. The same is true of the PD10 Pistol. Avidity’s offering is the first midsized striker fired pistol chambered in this new round, and only the fourth handgun on the market.
Chris Laack is the Product Manager for Handgun Ammunition at Federal/CCI/Speer. He has been following the PD10’s path to the market and has over 2000 rounds through his personal 9mm version. He’s had one chambered in 30SC for a couple of months now as well.
“I love the fact that what we were trying to accomplish with ammo aligns so well with what Rob and Avidity were trying to do with the gun.”
-Chris Laack, Federal Ammunition
Rob Pincus spent a lot of time researching the ammunition’s performance and the feasibility of adding the option of 30SC to the PD10 Pistol before committing to the project.
“I failed to give the 30 Super Carry enough attention when it was first released. Honestly, it was complacency. Thankfully, I that was called out by a buddy of mine. Last summer, I got to understand the round and perform gel tests. I was also able to work through what would be involved in chambering the PD10 for 30SC with the engineering team at Avidity. Ultimately, it was really obvious that the gun and the ammo were a great pairing and it was definitely worth doing.”
-Rob Pincus, Avidity Arms
Please please please 🙏 incorporate a 1.5 stack mag (15 rd?) into this specific gun, or think about a double-stack (20 rd?) variant next! I love the look of the gun, and It looks comfortable in the hand, but guns like the shield plus with 17 rds in a smaller frame that is more easily concealed, really make it tough to justify to concealed carriers on a limited budget.
The thinness of the PD10 doesn’t allow for that. The fact that it can be done in the Glock 48 speaks to how much thinner the PD10 really is. Keep in mind that concealability and shootability have to be balanced in a carry gun. We believe that 10+1 is an adequate personal defense capacity and that the PD10 balances those two traits very well.
All that said, we do have a larger framed model in the works!