A PD10 Pistol Review, written by Bucky Lawson, has been posted to Safariland.com! This is the first review of the new year and we are excited to see it… especially since Bucky definitely seems to “get” what the PD10 is about.
“After two months of poking, prodding, shooting, and thinking, I reached a simple conclusion: The PD10 is a carry gun that has what I want, while dispensing with things I don’t need. It’s all business, with no fluff. “
-Bucky Lawson, Safariland.com 1/25
William “Bucky” Lawson writes for several outlets, focusing on firearms and accessory reviews. Lawson occasionally covers related topics of interest to gun owners, such as defensive use of firearms & Gun Rights in general. He first shot the PD10 at TriggrCon in Kansas last year. His PD10 Pistol Review article was published after a couple of months with the firearm, including several live fire sessions. The article is well worth reading to learn more about the pistol, its features and how an experienced shooter might integrate with this “off-trend” defensive pistol. His conclusion is worth quoting here:
“The PD10 will soon enter my system as a concealed carry gun. I just need to decide which holster I want to maximize its role. And I’ll need more magazines. Most of my handguns are range toys, and that’s fine. I want those too. But not this one.
If you’re looking for a low-profile, unobtrusive, reliable carry gun, the PD10 might fit your needs too.“
-Bucky Lawson, Safariland.com 1/25