Shooting Illustrated recently took a look at the PD10 Holsters that are already available from several high quality sources.
“Avidity Arms, makers of the long awaited PD10 handgun is partnering up with a few select holster companies in order to support this new pistol with holster choices right from the start.”
Shooting Illustrated Staff
Far too often, firearms manufacturers release models intended for defensive use that have little to no holster support. Avidity Arms collaborated with top companies to ensure that wouldn’t be the case with their first pistol. Leather, plastic and hybrid options are currently available from JM4 Tactical, G-Code and Tacrig. Each company offers multiple carrying options that cover the full range of carrying positions and styles to suit the needs of people who actually carry, and practice with, their pistols. Inside the waist band (including some centerline, or “appendix”, options), and outside the waistband styles are available from all three companies.